Sunday, October 27, 2013

Flipping the Classroom

I have been doing more classroom flipping this school year as I become better using Screencast-O-Matic. The video above is one I created for my ESOL Government course. Experts recommend that videos be shorter rather than longer. I agree, though this video is a bit longer because I did a little bit more reading to assist my English language learners.

For my AP US Government and Politics course, I plan on using screencasts more since we meet daily and I want to spend more time focusing on current events rather than explaining content. Recently students viewed this screencast on the role of media in politics. It is a bit choppy in the beginning, but the students gave me good reviews. After viewing the screencasts, students filled out this Google Form. I used their answers to guide the next class' discussion. I was surprised to see so many great questions about money's role in politics. I would never have guessed they were having a hard time understanding this without having them reflect on viewing this screencast.

I polled my students to discover if they liked my videos. In all classes, nearly all students enjoyed the videos. Therefore, I plan on doing more screencasts. I am finding that the more I make them, the easier it becomes.

When you have a free minute, you should read this great Op-Ed from the New York Times about "flipping the classroom".